Monday, January 12, 2009

Holidays and Birthday

Are done for a little while. Next is my birthday but I doubt we will be doing much -- other than perhaps going out for supper that night (since it's a Monday) .. the kids are out of school that day - not sure why ... but oh well! :) We'll see what happens.

Valentine's Day is coming up as well. I need to figure something out for that. Thought about making Valentine's with pictures of the kids (saw this on a website I go on and thought it was an awesome idea) .. will have to take pics of the kids soon if I am going to do it! :)

Jason is looking at vacation time for this year .. not sure when he will take some -- and what we will do. Definitely want to do things with the kids .. something educational but fun! Of course, there is one other thing that I want to do -- but will have to wait and see how things go for that. Our first for spring break is possibly going to Washington DC ... lots of museums .. lots of walking! LOL .. so, again, we will see what happens! He is going to request times off today ... and we'll go from there.

We are trying to transition the little ones into big beds (sharing rooms with the older 2 kids) -- Jenna has slept in her bed -- all night -- the past 2 nights! :) Samuel, has not been so easy. First night -- wasn't having it .. last night he slept in it until 4:30am this morning and then ended up in our bed .. so at least it's a start! Pray for our sanity! :) I am also looking at finally getting interested in potty training. They have not shown any interest at all lately ... but it needs to get done .. so off came the diapers earlier -- Jenna is sitting on her chair right now (which is new for her) .. so MAYBE! Again, pray for sanity! :)

Anyway, I guess that will be all for now. Hope that all is well with you (who is reading this) .... be blessed!!

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